If you have publishing news, information about an upcoming writing event, or would like to share what you’re reading with the Guild, please send your information to sdcwg at yahoo dot com. |
San Diego Christian Writers Guild Fall Conference: October 24-25, 2014. Maranatha Chapel, Rancho Bernardo, CA 92127 Main Stage Speakers Philip Yancey & Ellie Kay. Sign up today at sandiegocwg.org |
The Santee critique group will not meet in September. They will resume on Wednesday, October 1 and October 15 from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Santee Library. Contact Tiffany at mprozobons at gmail dot com. |
The Original manuscript of the book published in 1862 contains hundreds of handwritten pages penned by Victor Hugo while he was in exile in Guernsey. It is 945 pages bound in a parchment cover with red and black type designed by Hugo with the title on the front. Les Miserables was the biggest-selling single novel of the 19th century. According the senior curator of Victor Hugo: Les Miserables – From Page to Stage, Hugo puts the people (les misères) that had never really been written about before up front and as the heroes of the story. “The people who would have been the heroes, the upper classes, they come out of it rather badly. It’s a highly political social document and considered one of France’s national treasures.” |
North County Coastal: 1st Thursday from 10am—Noon at the home of Bobbe Van Hise in Oceanside. bobbevh at sbcglobal dot net. |
SAN BERNARDINO: 1st Tuesday 7:00 pm at the home of Pegge and Steve Hofman in San Bernardino. steggebooks at Hotmail dot com or stevehofman at hotmail dot com. |
POWAY: 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm at the home of Kathryn Hughes. ckhughes_us at yahoo dot com. |
RAMONA: 1st and 3rd Mondays at the home of Byron Metler. booksbybyron at gmail dot com. |
KINGMAN, AZ: 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Jeff Adams. jeffadams at frontiernet dot net. |
TEMECULA: 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Rebecca Farnbach. sunbrook at Hotmail dot com |
YOUR TOWN: Interested in starting a critique group in your town? Email us at sdcwg at yahoo dot com. |
Category Archives: Critique Groups
News of Note – August 2014
If you have news, information about an upcoming writing event or would like to share what you’re reading with the Guild, please send your information to sdcwg at yahoo dot com. |
San Diego Christian Writers Guild Fall Conference: October 24-25, 2014. Maranatha Chapel, Rancho Bernardo, CA 92127 Main Stage Speakers Philip Yancey & Ellie Kay. Sign up today at sandiegocwg.org |
The Santee critique group will meet the third Wednesday only in August (August 20) from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the Santee Library. |
David & Lisa Frisbie: We will be featured at this year’s edition of “Mountain Festival” at 108 E. Tehachapi Boulevard. We will meet guests and sign many of our recent books from Noon to 3 PM on Saturday, August 16th. In addition We have just signed a contract for our next book, on the topic of parenting teens. The publisher is Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City — this is our sixth book with Beacon Hill. |
Diana Taylor: Very exciting news. I’m a finalist in the Historical Fiction category for the ACFW Carol Awards. The book is Claudia, Wife of Pontius Pilate. I’ll be attending the American Christian Fiction Writers conference in St. Louis at the end of September along with my agent, Joyce Hart, who is up for Agent of the Year. Also, My new booklet, Halloween; Harmless Fun or Risky Business (Whitaker House) is just out. It’s an expose’ on all of the customs associated with Halloween and the dangers of participating for believers. Some of my own story is included. I’ve been teaching a memoirs writing class to seniors at the Clairemont Salvation Army complex and having a great time. I’m also in the process of setting up a creative writing class as a Life Group in September with Newbreak, the church that adopted our small Oasis congregation after our pastor retired |
Madam Curie’s Notebook: 100 years later Marie Curie’s notebooks are still too radioactive to be handled without protection. They will continue to be until at least 3511. The physicist and chemist was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the only woman to win in two fields and the only person to win in multiple sciences. |
Your Royalty Note – News & Events
Escondidio Critique Group
After many years of hosting the Escondido critique group, which met at 10am on the fourth Wednesday of each month, Jan Flickinger is stepping down as host. A big thanks to Jan for her service to the Guild and other Christian writers over the years. If you would like to host this group in your home, or if you would like to start a critique group in your area, please contact the Guild (info at sandiegocwg dot org). |
Fall Conference Registration Fall Conference Registration Now Open (Members Only): Registration is now open for SDCWG members (only) for our 2014 Fall conference. Open registration begins May 1, 2014. When: October 24 and 25, 2014 Where: Maranatha Chapel in Rancho Bernardo What: Our fall writers conference is for all writers–beginners to professionals, and those who are wondering if this is what they are called to do. Our workshops offer instruction in how to get started, self-publishing, fiction, non fiction, marketing, book proposals, screen writing, script writing, journalism, as well as spiritual inspiration —and more.The Friday evening and all day Saturday conference is designed to instruct, inspire and let you meet the writers, editors, and publishers who are committed to helping you write, get published and follow the Lord’s call on your life. We’re here to help you use your gifts. Reminder: Guild members receive priority for faculty consultation signups. Signup numbers are awarded in the order your paid registration is received. So, as always, we encourage you to join the Guild and to sign up early in order to receive the consultation of your choice. Register Here (online via Paypal or Mail in Form) |
SDCWG Annual Writing Awards
SDCWG Unpublished Manuscript Contest Deadline: May 31, 2014: It’s time to submit your unpublished, completed book manuscripts. Also eligible in this category are self-published (non-royalty or subsidized) books. Authors of self-published books (published in 2013) can choose to enter the unpublished manuscript category or the regular, published book category for the writing awards (see above). To enter the unpublished category, send the first 25 and the last 10 pages of your double-spaced manuscript electronically to info @ sandiegocwg.org with subject line: 2013 Award Submission. Please include a title page and the title/author/page number on the upper right hand corner of each page. The first place winner of this new category will be guaranteed an appointment at the Fall conference with an editor or agent of his or her choice. |
San Diego Christian Writers Guild Fall Conference: October 24-25, 2014. Maranatha Chapel, Rancho Bernardo, CA 92127 |
Help Wanted: Collaborator I’m looking for a Christian writer I can collaborate with to tell stories and lessons I’ve learned from thousands of hours of coaching session with executives. Kent Porter, Porter Leadership Development. Kent at PorterLeadership dot com or 858 454.5530 (office) *Note: This writing opportunity is not affiliated with SDCWG. |
Critique Groups – Holiday Schedule & Info
Join A Critique Group
There’s many reasons why you should join a critique group. Here are five tips to encourage you to try one!
Critique groups are the heart of our Guild. Groups meet regularly (montly or every two weeks) in homes, libraries, and churches throughout San Diego county and north into Riverside county and beyond. We even have a group that meets 7/24 in cyberspace!
We encourage everyone to be involved in a critique group whether it is a face-to-face group or online. Each group has its own “flavor” and you might want to try a few before choosing the one that best fits your needs and personality. Meeting regularly with other Christian writers will improve your writing and lift your spirits.
Every reader has input that can be valuable to another writer.
When you critique your own work, you may overlook problems. In case you need proof, try reading this paragraph:
Can u read this?? its soo kul!!? Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?