All posts by guildadmin

A Letter to Guild Members: What’s Happening with the Guild?

Dear Fellow Writers,

Greetings! I want to let you know what is happening with the San Diego Christian Writers Guild.

First, I want to assure you we are alive and well. Thank you for your loyalty and patience.

Recently it became obvious that this year, 2017, needs to be a year of reviewing our vision and purpose; we are planning to add to the leadership, raising up new people to help lead and serve the guild.

I have personally been involved in some capacity for 37 years. I love this guild and want to continue to encourage and equip writers. I know the rest of the current board and former board members feel the same way. All have been dedicated servants who have made this guild the wonderful, prolific group that it is.

So where do we stand? This year we will forgo the usual big conference and plan some smaller, more intimate events that we think will serve you well. (To be announced soon).   You can read about an upcoming event honoring long time member Diana Taylor here:

We are already planning 2018’s conference – it’ll be a good one!

We want to encourage the growth and attendance of the critique groups—they really are the heart of the guild, and need to be recognized as such. We value your input and encourage you to consider applying to host one. We will be giving the critique leaders more opportunities to be involved in planning events for the guild.

We are blessed to have such a gifted and prolific group of writers. We are committed to continuing to educate, inspire, and offer fellowship and encouragement to the writers of San Diego and beyond.

We welcome your ideas, input, and involvement. Please contact us if you have any questions or ideas you would like to share. (760 294 3269,

You are all doing important work for the Kingdom, and we know how hard you work and dedicate your gifts to bless the world. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as we move forward.

God bless you,

Jennie Gillespie and Bob Gillespie (Presidents)

and current members of our board:

Vicki Hesterman

Brett Burner

Carol Crater (administrator)

Ann Larson (treasurer)



2016 Writing for Life Conference

Writing for Life 2016 Fall Conference

Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 9am – 4pm
Maranatha Chapel, Rancho Bernardo

Sign up before 9/30 for only $99!


Conference Book Table: Please fill out and return the BookSellerForm no later than October 7 if you are planning to bring books to sell at the conference.

Faculty Consultation Signups: Special message from Lamp Post publisher, Brett Burner

When: Saturday at 9:00 am SHARP.


Conference attendees may sign up for a maximum of three, private, 15-minute consultation sessions with our faculty. These 15-minute private sessions allow attendees to pitch ideas, submit book proposals and article queries or just ask questions. Please prepare appropriately for your consultation.

Because there are a limited number of faculty and a limited number of consultation slots per faculty member, these slots fill quickly. Study this conference brochure and decide who, if anyone, you would like to meet with. We suggest you select several alternates in case your first choices are taken when you are called to sign up. Although the maximum number of consultations is three, you may certainly sign up for less than three or none at all.

Priority for faculty consultations will be given to SDCWG members and to those who pre-register. We adopted this strategy to promote an orderly, God honoring atmosphere at the sign up table on the day of the conference.

When we receive your paid registration, your form is marked indicating the order it was received. All Guild members receive higher priority numbers than non-Guild members.

You will receive your number when you register (it is on your name tag). Signups begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. People will be invited, in order, to sign up on the sheets provided. Signups will continue until all slots are filled.

One Sheet: Only those who returned a completed One Sheet form by the required date (The Saturday before the conference) will be allowed to sign up with editors/agents. If you returned a project synopsis, you will receive specially marked stickers which will be validated at the signup table. See and download form here: THEFORM. If you do not have a pre-approved synopsis you may sign up with any of our other faculty (just not editors/agents).

The best way to get the consultation you want is:
Be a Guild member, register early and arrive on time.

Your Royalty Note – May 216



SDCWG Fall Conference
with Bestselling author Bodie Theone.

By popular demand, our two-day conference format is back with some exciting changes!

Session 1 kicks off our conference on Friday, October 21 at 7:00 pm for a meet and mingle fellowship with our faculty, friends and Christian writers, ROUND ONE of consultation signups, our first general session speaker and a faculty panel discussion on the latest in the publishing industry.

Session 2 begins at 7:30am on Saturday and will contain a day of general session speakers, workshops, lunch with the editors/agents and faculty and, private, 15-minute faculty consultation sessions*.

*Priority for faculty consultation signups is based on the order your paid registration is received. Round One of the signups will be done during Session 1 (Friday night). Round Two and Three will be done during Session 2 (Saturday morning at 7:45 am). Please see our web site for details on our faculty consultations and the signup process.

SDCWG Faculty

Brett Burner: Publisher, Lamp Post Publications

Kim Bangs: Senior acquisitions editor with Bethany House and Chosen Books, divisions of Baker Publishing Group.

Blythe Daniel: Agent, The Blythe Daniel Agency

Sandra O’Donnell: Agent, RO Literary Agency

Laura Rothschild: Agent, RO Literary Agency

Lynn Vincent: NY Times Best Selling author

Susan Meissner: Award-winning author

Watch our website and newsletter for faculty additions and other conference news.

Spring Fellowship Brunch & Workshops


SusanMeissner Spring Fellowship Brunch & Workshops with special guest speaker, Susan Meissner.

Saturday, April 30, 2016 at The Cove in Rancho Bernardo. 9:30 am – Noon. Only $20. Register online at!

Bring your entries for the SDCWG 2015 writing contest and save postage.

Early-bird registration for the Fall conference will be offered to those attending the brunch.

thoenesSmall SDCWG Fall Conference with Bestselling author Bodie Theone. Early bird registration opens at the Spring Fellowship Brunch.

Your Royalty Note – April 2016


SusanMeissner Spring Fellowship Brunch & Workshops with special guest speaker, Susan Meissner. Saturday, April 30, 2016 at The Cove in Rancho Bernardo. Only $20. Register today!
2015_10_AwardWinners Call for EntriesWriting Awards (Books, articles, etc. Published in 2015). Poems need not be published but written in 2015.  Deadline for entries: Saturday, May 14, 2016. Please complete and submit a Submission Form
for all entries.
thoenesSmall SDCWG Fall Conference with Bestselling author Bodie Theone. Early bird registration opens at the Spring Fellowship Brunch.
2016_OC flyer Orange County Christian Writers’ Conference: Love to write? Want to learn how to get your writing published to bless
readers? Learn professional writing techniques from established authors,
and meet one-on-one with industry professionals, at the Orange County
Christian Writers’ Conference April 15-16 in Fullerton. Come for one day or
two. Mentoring tracks are available for beginning, intermediate, and
advanced fiction and nonfiction, plus a teen track and a young-adult track.
Details at