Would you like to receive a critique from one of the most well-known authors of our time? Submit one page of your writing no later than October 10 and you may be selected. Selected submissions will be critiqued by Jerry Jenkins in his Thick-Skinned Critique workshop at the 2015 SDCWG Fall Conference.
Submission details:
* You must be registered for the conference to submit.
* Submissions must be received by Oct. 10, 2015
* Submissions must be emailed to sdcwg @ yahoo.com
Formatting guidelines
• The first page only of your manuscript
• Times New Roman font, 12 pt
• Double spaced (no extra space between paragraphs)
• One space between sentences
• Left justification, not full
• 1” top, bottom, and side margins; .5” first line paragraph indents
• Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file format