Early Bird Fall Conference signups for Guild members only will be taken at the Spring event!
Guest Speaker Sandra O’Donnell (sandraodonnell.com). Author of 52 Sundays: An Exploration of Christianity in America.
After spending time as both a consultant and academic, Sandra O’Donnell turned her talents to writing, focusing her efforts on the history of religion in America. Her dissertation on the Scrooby Puritans, a tiny obscure group of English separatists, who most Americans know as the Pilgrims brought a new perspective to what many considered an overworked topic. Based on extensive archival research, she spent months in England and Scotland working with original source document no American historian had ever accessed. A book based on her dissertation is set for publication in 2017/18, just in time for the 400th Anniversary of the Pilgrims voyage to America. Sandra lives in San Diego, where she is currently working on a two new books. 52 Weeks of Service is about the volunteer culture in America and 52 Weeks of a Banner Marriage which provides questions and practices to enhance one of our most important relationships. When she isn’t writing she is exploring her new hometown with her husband Kim. They met last year while Sandra was conducting research for 52 Sundays. And yes, it was a God thing.
Spring Writing Contest: Sharpen your pencils and ink your quills and get ready for the Guild’s second annual Spring Writing Contest. Submit your best poem, devotional, short story, or article of 1,500 words or less and email as a .doc or .pdf to sdcwg @ yahoo.com no later than April 30, 2015. The winner will receive a ticket to our Spring Fellowship Brunch on Saturday, May 16, 2015, at The Cove in Rancho Bernardo (The Church at Rancho Bernardo). One entry per Guild member.
SDCWG Annual Writing Awards: It’s time to submit your published writing from 2014 for the Guild’s annual writing awards. Awards will be presented at the Fall Conference in October. Current members, even past winners, are encouraged to submit their best writing published in 2014 for consideration. Please send five (5) copies of your submissions to PO Box 270403, San Diego, California, 92198 (or bring to the Spring Fellowship Event! The final deadline is May 31, 2015. All entries (except books) may be submitted by sending a PDF formatted copy to info @ sandiegocwg.org.Rules: Material need not be overtly Christian in nature or published by a Christian publisher/magazine but should not be offensive. Maximum of three entries per person. You must be a current member to submit. Past winners are eligible. Board members are ineligible. Entries will not be returned.
Books: Fiction and non-Fiction, traditional or self-published
Articles: Magazines, online or printed
Poems: (Poems do not need to have been published. But they must have been written in 2014.)
SDCWG Unpublished Manuscript Contest: Deadline: May 31, 2015. It’s time to submit your unpublished, completed book manuscripts. Also eligible in this category are self-published (non-royalty or subsidized) books. Authors of self-published books (published in 2013) can choose to enter the unpublished manuscript category or the regular, published book category for the writing awards (see above). To enter the unpublished category, send the first 25 and the last 10 pages of your double-spaced manuscript electronically to info @ sandiegocwg.org with subject line: 2014 Award Submission. Please include a title page and the title/author/page number on the upper right hand corner of each page. The first place winner of this new category will receive an appointment at the Fall conference with an editor or agent of his or her choice.
2014 SDCWG Writing Award Winners2014 San Diego Christian Writers Guild writing award winners: Cary Boyle, Christa Kinde, Michael Mendoza, Joanne Bischof, Francine Phillips, Jenny LaBahn, Gale Nelson Bones, Viola Vazqueztd>
San Diego Christian Writers Guild Fall Conference
When: October 23-24, 2015
Where: Maranatha Chapel, Rancho Bernardo, CA 92127
Early Bird Signups: May 16, 2015 at the Spring Fellowship Event (members only!)
Guild Members signup opens: May 18, 2015; Open Registration: June 1, 2015
The Guild on Facebook / TwitterNeed some encouragement or a smile to lighten your day or just want to make sure you don’t miss the latest from SDCWG? Follow us on Facebook and Twitter (facebook.com/SanDiegoChristianWritersGuild and/or Twitter: SDCWG@SDCWGuild)
Critique Groups
Critique Group News:
Temecula: The Temecula critique group is going strong (16 years and about 70 books!) and is still meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the home of Rebecca Farnbach. Several will be attending the Mt. Hermon conference where our Joanne Bischof will be on the faculty.
Santee: The Santee Group meets at the Santee Library (9225 Carlton Hills Blvd; Santee, CA 92071) from 6-8pm on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Leader Tiffany Hanson will be at the Spring Fellowship Event for anyone who would like more information.
Beach Cities: Group Leader Martha Gorris reports that the group that meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 8:45 a.m. remains closed to new members due to capacity.
Poway: The Poway critique group meets at the home of Kathryn Hughes, usually on the third Monday monthly at 7:00pm though they do move it occasionally. Kathryn requests that people R.S.V.P. every month to have a copy count. New and experienced writers are welcome; please phone before coming. The Poway group includes all genres.
National City: Please contact Bill Bagot for meeting time and location.
Online: Currently on hiatus.
North County Coastal: No longer meeting.
San Bernardino: Steve & Pegge Hofman’s San Bernardino group is no longer meeting.
Orange County Christian Writers Conference: April 24-25, 2015
One thought on “Your Royalty Note – March 2015”
Gennie Gillespie gave me Katherine’s email but it is no longer working. I’m looking for a collaborator for a book Mrs. Gillespie thought was a good idea. I remember Katherine from both her writers meetings in Poway and from seeing her at Guild conferences.
Katherine can contact meat ‘workbee1@yahoo.com’ (all lower case) or she can contact Mrs. Gillespie.
Gennie Gillespie gave me Katherine’s email but it is no longer working. I’m looking for a collaborator for a book Mrs. Gillespie thought was a good idea. I remember Katherine from both her writers meetings in Poway and from seeing her at Guild conferences.
Katherine can contact meat ‘workbee1@yahoo.com’ (all lower case) or she can contact Mrs. Gillespie.
I don’t have a blog or website.
Thank you.
Dave Ciccone