2016 Writing for Life Conference

Writing for Life 2016 Fall Conference

Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 9am – 4pm
Maranatha Chapel, Rancho Bernardo

Sign up before 9/30 for only $99!


Conference Book Table: Please fill out and return the BookSellerForm no later than October 7 if you are planning to bring books to sell at the conference.

Faculty Consultation Signups: Special message from Lamp Post publisher, Brett Burner

When: Saturday at 9:00 am SHARP.


Conference attendees may sign up for a maximum of three, private, 15-minute consultation sessions with our faculty. These 15-minute private sessions allow attendees to pitch ideas, submit book proposals and article queries or just ask questions. Please prepare appropriately for your consultation.

Because there are a limited number of faculty and a limited number of consultation slots per faculty member, these slots fill quickly. Study this conference brochure and decide who, if anyone, you would like to meet with. We suggest you select several alternates in case your first choices are taken when you are called to sign up. Although the maximum number of consultations is three, you may certainly sign up for less than three or none at all.

Priority for faculty consultations will be given to SDCWG members and to those who pre-register. We adopted this strategy to promote an orderly, God honoring atmosphere at the sign up table on the day of the conference.

When we receive your paid registration, your form is marked indicating the order it was received. All Guild members receive higher priority numbers than non-Guild members.

You will receive your number when you register (it is on your name tag). Signups begin at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. People will be invited, in order, to sign up on the sheets provided. Signups will continue until all slots are filled.

One Sheet: Only those who returned a completed One Sheet form by the required date (The Saturday before the conference) will be allowed to sign up with editors/agents. If you returned a project synopsis, you will receive specially marked stickers which will be validated at the signup table. See and download form here: THEFORM. If you do not have a pre-approved synopsis you may sign up with any of our other faculty (just not editors/agents).

The best way to get the consultation you want is:
Be a Guild member, register early and arrive on time.

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