Dear Fellow Writers,
Greetings! I want to let you know what is happening with the San Diego Christian Writers Guild.
First, I want to assure you we are alive and well. Thank you for your loyalty and patience.
Recently it became obvious that this year, 2017, needs to be a year of reviewing our vision and purpose; we are planning to add to the leadership, raising up new people to help lead and serve the guild.
I have personally been involved in some capacity for 37 years. I love this guild and want to continue to encourage and equip writers. I know the rest of the current board and former board members feel the same way. All have been dedicated servants who have made this guild the wonderful, prolific group that it is.
So where do we stand? This year we will forgo the usual big conference and plan some smaller, more intimate events that we think will serve you well. (To be announced soon). You can read about an upcoming event honoring long time member Diana Taylor here:
We are already planning 2018’s conference – it’ll be a good one!
We want to encourage the growth and attendance of the critique groups—they really are the heart of the guild, and need to be recognized as such. We value your input and encourage you to consider applying to host one. We will be giving the critique leaders more opportunities to be involved in planning events for the guild.
We are blessed to have such a gifted and prolific group of writers. We are committed to continuing to educate, inspire, and offer fellowship and encouragement to the writers of San Diego and beyond.
We welcome your ideas, input, and involvement. Please contact us if you have any questions or ideas you would like to share. (760 294 3269,
You are all doing important work for the Kingdom, and we know how hard you work and dedicate your gifts to bless the world. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as we move forward.
God bless you,
Jennie Gillespie and Bob Gillespie (Presidents)
and current members of our board:
Vicki Hesterman
Brett Burner
Carol Crater (administrator)
Ann Larson (treasurer)